Patriot Jeepers, Inc contributes to the Economic impact of local and statewide Businesses.

Your Jeep new or used - You bought it from somebody ? A dealer or a private seller. You paid for the Jeep or financed it. Taxes were paid, insurance was bought. Your Jeep will also have to be maintained with oil changes, tires etc. to keep it safe and on the road.

Clubs - You may or may not have all the things you need to meet the clubs requirements, like bigger tires, so you go to your tire shop or 4Wheel drive shop, and buy tires. You help put money in that shops pocket keeping them in business.

Local stores - Clubs require that you have a CB radio (CB antenna), Fire Extinguisher, First Aid kit, and tow hooks. These are things that you may not buy if you were not joining a club. So you buy them at an auto parts store or other local store. This is good for the store and taxes are paid on those goods.

4 wheel drive shops - Depending on your wants and needs you may want to modify your jeep with a lift, locker(s) ,after market bumpers, or maybe buy lower gears for your Jeep? This means going to a local Four wheel drive shop that can sell you these parts. Whether the shop or yourself installs these parts money has exchanged hands and taxes are paid.

Camping gear - Jeep clubs love to camp and this means you will need a tent, popup trailer, Hardtop trailer or camping unit that goes in the back of your tow rig. You will need to buy sleeping bag(s), air mattress, air pump, folding chairs, cooking stove, lantern and cooler. Whether you buy these items at you local sporting goods store or local department store. Money is paid out and state taxes are paid on the goods you buy.

Food - We all need food. But when we go camping you will need ice to keep your food from going bad. What's camping with out marshmallows over the fire and gram crackers and chocolate? Now that's a campfire treat! Buy your hot dogs and hamburgers and what ever you like on them. Cold cuts and bread for lunches, soda, water. These things we buy at our local grocery store. Again money is paid out.

Gas - So your Jeep is ready to go. All your gear and food are packed. You head to your local gas station and buy gasoline. There is both a federal and state gasoline tax and the gas station also get a cut.

Toll Roads - Some highways like the Masspike (Rt.90) have tolls. You are helping to maintain the highway and pay the people that work the tollbooths with the money you pay for the cost of the toll.

Lodging - With campgrounds (State or private) a camping fee is paid to stay on a campsite for the night or weekend. Over the weekend you may need to buy more ice or firewood or what ever you may not have packed. Some campgrounds offer breakfast to their campers for a small price. These campgrounds rely on your stay to keep operating. Most campgrounds have a short season so they depend on you staying with them. If camping is not your thing some campgrounds have cabins that can be rented for your weekend stay. Or better yet try a local motel or hotel near where the club is planning a Jeep run. They too rely on your coming to stay with them.

Oh I saved the best for last. Did someone say Ice cream? Just about every time we go Jeepin' in the summer we end up at an ice-cream stand. Heck we even have a trail we call the ice-cream trail that ends up at a place that sells Ice cream.

Overall Jeepin', 4wheeling what ever you want to call it, brings in local and statewide revenues totaling thousands of dollars each year. People are pleased to see us come and support thier local economy.

- Rich Banfield